Although scalable and sustainable funding of hepatitis elimination is the primary objective of the UHEP project, we are introducing numerous other innovations to reduce or eliminate financial and non-financial barriers across the entire continuum of care. The innovations will simplify testing and treatment, make services more accessible and convenient, reduce elimination costs and improve linkage and adherence rates.
UHEP Innovations Include
Catalytic Funding
UHEP will use catalytic funding to reduce the amount of upfront capital required for an elimination program and will rely on patient payments to cover all program costs including repayment of the initial catalytic investment.
CDAF modeling shows that a national elimination program in Uzbekistan could be paid for with a $27M USD catalytic investment, which would pay for a $522M USD program and would be repaid at the end of the program, yielding a catalytic ratio of 19.3.
Pooled Procurement
UHEP will use of a pooled procurement mechanism (GPRO) to source affordable, quality-assured diagnostics and medicines at prices affordable to LMIC patients.
GPRO is a non-profit procurement agency. It negotiates volume pricing directly with manufacturers to reduce costs. GPRO charges 5% of the total order amount to cover administrative costs. No additional markups are added. GPRO does not use distributors – it ships product directly to the purchasing agency. GPRO requires registration and agreement by the purchasing agency to mark up prices a maximum of 5%.
Negotiated Pricing
CDAF has negotiated the waiving of import duties and taxes for UHEP medicines and diagnostics. We have also signed a formal agreement with a national pharmacy chain (OxyMED) to distribute UHEP medicines with a maximum 5% markup.
Simplified Test & Treat
UHEP will utilize simplified diagnostic algorithms for HBV and HCV to reduce program costs and improve linkage to care.
Today in Uzbekistan, all hepatitis patients receive care by liver specialists at the Research Institute of Virology. For UHEP testing will take place at district Polyclinics throughout Tashkent and most patients will be treated by General Practitioners at the Polyclinic. Patients with complications or liver disease will be referred to the RIV specialists.
Motivational Interviews
A Motivational Interview technique used successfully in other treatment-oriented programs has been designed to engage patients immediately following a positive screening test, and though a series of short questions help raise awareness of the risks of hepatitis while driving internal motivation to seek and adhere to treatment.
Electronic Registry
UHEP customized a REDCAP electronic patient registry to collect and manage patient consent and patient medical data, and also to facilitate followup with patients who unlink from care. Portable tablets and laptops have been provided to all nurses and doctors to enable near real-time updates of patient records.
Measuring Outcomes

Key Performance Indicators and Minimum [Expected] Success Criteria
- Large scale general population hepatitis screening is feasible with rapid HBV and HCV diagnostic tests
Minimum and [Expected] success criteria: Screen 125,000 [250,000] adults with HCV & HBV RDT in the general population for HCV and HBV over 1 year.
- A streamlined blood collection program will result in a high percentage of confirmed HCV testing rates among those found to be HCV antibody positive
Minimum and [Expected] success criteria: 80% [95%] of all who are anti-HCV+ will agree to give blood to be tested for HCV core antigen.
- With a low-cost treatment option and motivational interviewing, a high percentage of chronic HCV and HBV patients will choose to be treated as part of this program
Minimum and [Expected] success criteria: 55% [80%] of all diagnosed chronic HCV and HBV patients go on treatment.
- With patient education, HBV patients will stay on chronic treatment
Minimum and [Expected] success criteria: 75% [95%] of patients starting HBV treatment will remain on treatment after 1 year.
- With patient education and reminders, patients will have a high refill ratio
Minimum and [Expected] success criteria: 75% [90%] of all HCV & HBV patients will refill their Rx within 10 days.
- With patient education and reminders, HCV patients will come back for their SVR12, and HBV patients will come back for their annual tests
Minimum and [Expected] success criteria: 70% [85%] of all HCV & HBV patients on treatment.
- A catalytic funding mechanism can be used to finance hepatitis elimination programs without need for massive donations or grants
Minimum and [Expected] success criteria: 80% [100%] of the initial catalytic investment is paid back at the end of the pilot program.