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Uzbekistan Hepatitis Elimination Project (UHEP)

Coalition of Partners



UHEP is funded through grants provided by:

  • The Center for Disease Analysis Foundation
  • The John C. Martin Foundation
  • Gilead Sciences


Advisory Board Meeting, Tashkent, Uzbekistan - January 2019

Advisory Board Meeting, Tashkent, Uzbekistan – January 2019



UHEP medical decisions are overseen by a Medical Advisory Board:

  • Dr. Sunil Solomon – Johns Hopkins Medical
  • Dr. Nid Afdhal – University of Harvard
  • Dr. Jordan Feld – Toronto General Hospital



  • Chulanov, Vladimir – Central Research Institute of Epidemiology
  • Cloherty, Gavin – Abbott
  • Dunn, Rick – CDA Foundation
  • Favorov, Michael – Task Force
  • Katz, Zach – FIND
  • Kottilil, Shyam – University of Maryland
  • Musabaev, Erkin – Institute of Virology
  • Ninburg, Michael – World Hepatitis Alliance
  • Razavi, Homie – CDA Foundation



  • Abutaleb, Ameer – University of Maryland
  • Ahmed, Nabil – Integral Global Health
  • Anstiss, Tim – Academy for Health Coaching
  • Averhoff, Francisco – US CDC
  • Chiang, Betty – Gilead Sciences
  • Gore, Charles – Medicine Patent Pool
  • Kamarck, Ben – Gilead Sciences
  • Kamili, Saleem – US CDC
  • Karamatova, Shakhinya – US CDC
  • Karpievich, Maria – Algimed
  • Korns, Kristians – Cepheid Europe
  • Lou, Lily – John Martin Foundation
  • Marathe, Madhura – Hetero Pharmaceuticals
  • Mathur, Poonam – University of Maryland
  • Mirzoeva, Farangiz – Cepheid Europe
  • Mozalevskis, Antons – WHO Euro
  • Osmanov, Saladin – Abbott
  • Samuel, Clifford – Gilead Sciences
  • Shearer, Tina – CDA Foundation
  • Wang-Lu, Sean – Intech Diagnostics




CDA Foundation would like to extend a special thank you to the following organizations and people for their generous assistance in coordinating the logistics of the UHEP program:

  • Minister Shadmanov Alisher Kayumovich, Ministry of Health, Uzbekistan
  • First Deputy Minister Yusupaliyev Baxodir Kaxramonovich, Ministry of Health, Uzbekistan
  • Dr. Erkin Musabaev, Director, Uzbekistan Research Institute of Virology, Uzbekistan
  • Mr. Javlon Vakhabov, Ambassador, Embassy of Uzbekistan to the US
  • Mr. Akhror Burkhanov, Cultural Attaché, Embassy of Uzbekistan to the US
  • Mr. Eldor Mannopov, Managing Partner, Dentons
  • Ms. Anna Snejkova, Legal Counsel, Dentons

