Devin Razavi-Shearer is the is the Director of The Polaris Observatory at the Center for Disease Analysis Foundation (CDAF). As part of this role he continues his work on the Hepatitis B and Delta projects that he has been leading since their inception at the CDAF.

He worked with the modeling team at CDAF to develop the PRoGReSs Model, a fully dynamic hepatitis B transmission and disease progression model with immigration and economic impact modules. vin also led CDAF’s previous work with the Vaccine Impact Modelling Consortium (VIMC) the group that models the impact of vaccination for GAVI. Prior to joining CDAF, Devin was a professional research assistant at the University of Colorado Spine Center. He has extensive experience in managing device clinical trials as well as study design and data analysis of both prospective and retrospective studies. Devin holds an Executive Master of Public Health from the University of Washington. Devin graduated with distinction from the University of Colorado Denver with a Bachelor of Science in Biology. Additionally, Devin holds Bachelor of Arts degrees in Anthropology and Ethnic Studies from the University of Colorado Boulder where he minored in History.