Expanded Access to Hepatitis Treatment and Diagnostics


Today, an estimated 71 million individuals globally are infected with Hepatitis C, a curable disease that can lead to cirrhosis and liver death. Approximately 400,000 people die each year from causes related to Hep C, which can be eliminated through coordinated efforts for prevention and treatment. Unfortunately, as of 2017, only 20% of those infected patients have ever been diagnosed, and, currently, only 2% of total infected patients are being treated for the disease annually. Only 9 countries/territories are currently on track to achieve the WHO HCV elimination targets by 2030.

Treatment is a cost-effective and efficient way of eliminating the disease, but for low-and-middle income countries/territories, the initial investment can be significant. Just like buying a house, there is often a large upfront cost. But over time, the expense proves to be economical and more reasonable than the alternative. When a country/territory decides to eliminate hepatitis, the end-result is a healthier population more informed about prevention and treatment, for a fraction of the cost.


The CDA Foundation (CDAF) founded the non-profit Global Procurement Fund (GPRO) in 2017 to improve access to medicines and diagnostics, and to develop a viable, scalable and sustainable funding mechanism to help countries/territories eliminate hepatitis.


GPRO works with participating countries/territories to provide the following benefits:

  • Competitive prices through economies of scale: GPRO pools orders from member countries/territories and uses international competitive bidding to purchase products at negotiated prices. The pooled procurement results in lower prices than most countries/territories can negotiate on their own.
  • Assured quality: All products available through GPRO are authorized for use by:
    • WHO pre-qualification or FDA tentative approval
    • Stringent Regulatory Authority (SRA)
    • Independent Expert Review Panel (ERP) when pre-qualification, FDA tentative approval, or SRA is not available

GPRO only works with manufacturers that have freedom to operate – either with a license from the originator-companies or those with a license from the Medicines Patent Pool.

GPRO is also working to develop innovative financing models that further reduce or eliminate countries’/territories’ upfront investment required to fund treatment programs. Unlike HIV/AIDS funding, global donors will not solely fund hepatitis elimination. Instead, catalytic funding – where donors take an active role in addressing change – combined with patient-subsidized treatment models will lead to viable, scalable and self-funded hepatitis elimination.